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Heroes Square

Heroes Square in Budapest is famous around the country for its beauty and the amount of statues of heroes that it houses.

It´s located in one of the ends of the Andráss Avenue and together with that street it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The Square is a tourist and local meeting point, who meet there to appreciate the art and architecture of the place, but also to relax on its benches.


Close to the park of the city, Heroes Square is the centre of various other buildings that surround it like the Fine Arts Museum, the Serbian Embassy and the Art Palace, among others.


But what the tourists enjoy the most is the Millenium Memorial, a monument that is in the centre of the square. The relevance of this commemorative sculpture is that it´s formed by the leaders of the tribes that founded Hungary, the Mangroves. There are also other important personalities of the country.


The interesting thing is that the monument was created when the country celebrated it´s one thousandth birthday, in 1896, and when it was finished, in 1929, it turned into a celebration site and other national events. That´s why in 1989, 250 thousand people congregated in the square in remembrance of the burial of King Imre Nágy.




If you want to know more about this magnificent history, rent apartments in Budapest and go out to see the city.