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International Antiques Exhibition-Market Florence

An event such as this, the Mostra Mercato Internazionale dell´Antiquariato (International Antiques Exhibition-Market), could only take place in the beautiful city of Florence. Art and antiques lovers have an appointment with this elitist and exclusive fair where they can buy – if they´re well off money wise – from a 19th century chandelier or a modernist gadget to a Renaissance painting of equal value (artistic we´re assuming) than any of the ones that are exhibited in many of the good museums of this beautiful city in Tuscany.


The doors are also open to the least fortunate, because this fair tries to work as an exhibition, inviting the public who are fans and the one who wants to start off in select collecting, to visit the different stands which the different antiques shops place in the exhibition. And even though the comparison with a contemporary installation can be invidious, the organizers are care a lot about the shape in which the different objects are presented, because there´s even an award for the best stand. The antique shops, also participate in a special competition which awards the exhibitor who´s exhibited good sculptures, paintings and memorabilia from that wonderful 19th century studies trip known as the Grand Tour. There´s also a special chapter dedicated to a whole life in this field. Anyway, the International Antiques Exhibition-Market in Florence is one of those tributes to art which the whole of Italy loves so much.


If Lady Fortune is smiling upon you and you can afford to buy an object (of which there are of all prices), you can see what it looks like in one of the beautiful apartments in Florence