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Mariano Fortuny Exhibit in Venice

The painter and designer Mariano Fortuny, despite his Catalan origins, always had a close relationship with Italy, especially Venice. This was the city where his mother decided to move in 1889 after years of living in Paris, and where he continued his studies painting and copying works by some of his artistic idols Venetians.

mariano fortuny venice exhibit
It was in Venice where the multifaceted artist met his wife Henrietta and began a textile printing shop where they created some of the world’s most iconic woven fabrics.  He became famous not only in the world of fashion, but also became known as an innovator in theatre, industrial design and other decorative arts.

Now the legacy of Fortuny comes home to Venice thanks to a fantastic exhibition at the Fondazione di Venezia Musei Civici, which opened on September 4 and will remain open until January 9, 2011. Under the heading “Silk and Velvet” the exhibit will commemorate this great artist, show some of his most famous designs, including the extraordinary Delphos series of delicate pleated silk dresses.  His work continues to be referential in the field of fashion design. And in a way you could say that some of these amazing pieces shine stronger in their place of birth, as many of them were designed in the textile printing shop in the Palazzo Pesaro Orfei.

For more information see: http://www.museiciviciveneziani.it/frame.asp?pid=1871&musid=215&sezione=mostre



Heloise Battista Only-apartments AuthorHeloise Battista

If you´re not already familiar with the work of this interesting character, I recommend renting apartments in Venice and visiting the exhibition at the Fondazione di Venezia Musei Civici. Especially for those interested in fashion and decorative arts, this exhibition is without a doubt one of the most interesting in Europe this season.?

salome antigone Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: salome antigone