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Tra – Edge of Becoming in Venice

Until November 24th the exhibition Tra- Edge of Becoming presents itself in the Palazzo Fortuny, organized by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and the Axel Vervoordt Foundation, which is about the legacy of Mariano Fortuny, which will be represented in the work of 13 artists and over 300 works which belong to the museum.

tra <b>edge</b> <b>becoming</b> venice

Just like the three previous exhibitions, this one takes the legacy of the Spanish designer, photographer and inventor Mariano Fortuny, the wabi-inspired experiences of the art collector Axel Vervoordt, added to the thoughts of the economist and writer of the book The Future of Money, Bernard Lietaer, as well as those of the scientist Eddie Wolf, to create a total experience that puts aesthetics, science and thought together, so that the spectator can see the world through the pleasure of art and the knowledge of sciences.

The commissioners of the exhibition, Rose Martínez, Daniela Ferretti, Axel Vervoordt and Francisco Poli, built a whole conceptual architecture to give its name to the exhibition, playing with the inverse reading of ART: TRA, which corresponds to the concept of the design of the exhibition. Tra- Edge of Becoming explores the existing relationships between place and history and how the affect the creative heritage of universal wisdom.

Among the exhibitors here there is the Serbian artist Marina Abramovic, the Japanese conceptual artist Kazuo Shiraga, Eduardo Chillida and Fernand Léger. Among the artists that prepared a work which is exclusive to this exhibition there is: Massimo Bartolini, Jannis Kounellis, Maurizio Donzelli, Giulio Paolini, Kim Soo-Ja, Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Günther Uecker.

The Serbian conceptual artist Marina Abramovic, has developed performance since 1970, being labelled as the “matriarch of performance”. Her best-known work was made with the German conceptual artist Uwe Laysiepen, who went by the name of Ulay, who she met in 1975 and had a fruitful working and loving relationship until 1988. The work was marked by the affectionate relationship of both of them, so Relation Work (1976) and Interruption in Space (1977) marked a time of digression in the couple, loneliness and relationships.

Another important artist in this exhibition is the Japanese artist Kazuo Shiraga, who studied classic Japanese painting but, in 1955, he became part of the avant-garde group Gutal, and began painting with his hands and feet, using oil on canvas.

A true revelation of this exhibition is the work of video installations of the Korean artist who resides in the United States Kim Soo-Ja, who works with a metaphysical concept of the relation between the subject, time and society. The complex look that Soo-Ja gives the role of the artist in society and his temporary location in history, make her work a fundamental piece in the exhibition.

Few exhibitions are organized on such interesting concepts like Tra- Edge of Becoming, which appeals to the role of the artist, his time and the work, aspects which form a whole when one observes these works of art.

For more information: http://www.museiciviciveneziani.it/frame.asp?pid=2053&musid=244&sezione=mostre


Nancy Guzman Only-apartments AuthorNancy Guzman

This exhibition is to think, so if you like thinking leisure, come to the Palazzo Fortuny if you´re in apartments in Venice on holiday.

aleixgwilliam Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: aleixgwilliam