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Murat Germen in Istambul

From the 26 May 2010 until September 19, 2010, the Modern Art Museum of Istanbul will host an exhibition of Murat Germen´s photography. The title of the exhibition is “Way” and the exhibit´s concept references all the senses of the word. That is, the photos portray the idea of a way as a road, as a physical path to a place, as well a path for living, a metaphorical journey or manner of confronting a challenge, or how to find direction.


Murat Germen writes of his work ” I think of photography as an opportunity to bring to the fore the ordinary things that people, consciously or unconsciously, ignore or don’t see, and give them the chance to change their prejudices. I try to bring out the extraordinariness that may be latent in the normal.”

As a photographer, Germen is very focused on the technical side of contemporary photography, and uses many digital editing techniques. He often produces large format images. Especially noteworthy are his panoramic photos, which portray a troubled but familiar world, on a scale that makes the viewer appreciate all the subtleties and hidden details of a scene. Some of the photos in this exhibition measure 10 meters, allowing visitors to inhabit the world of the artist. There will be texts that elucidate their way.

The modern art museum in Istanbul was opened in 2004 and was the first museum of its kind in Turkey. It is located in the district of Tophane, and every Thursday admission is free. In an era of “Blockbuster” exhibitions of canonical classics, this museum is noted for its continued support of the young but active Turkish contemporary art scene and its cutting edge proposals. This holiday season, find your own way, and go to Istanbul, a city of great contrasts. Book ideal lodging, and rent apartments in Istanbul to appreciate the beauty in every moment.