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NY City on Board New York

With New York City on Board, whose website we´ve put down on the right-hand column, the traveller (and even the tourist) won´t know which guided tour to choose form such is the exhaustive amount of routes that they present on their website.


By foot, by bus, by car, by limousine or even by helicopter, you will be able to see all the emblematic points of this huge city at any time of the day, since they also have specially designed tours to see the photogenic illumination of New York. Also, this company, that fully collaborates with social networks, doesn´t leave anything at random and, on its website, they point out and give good account of the most important landmarks of this great city´s geography.


This way, the traveller will be able to choose knowing more about the tours. Although there are people who don´t like being guided, the Big Apple is so big that one of these tours can be a good idea to start getting to know its intricacies (because it also has them). It´s just a matter of booking one of these tours (the most popular one lasts 5h 30) together with the apartments in New York and the flights, the transfers and even the many restaurants that have been all over the movies and TV series.