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Only-Be Madrilenian

Parque Warner Madrid

Parque Warner is a place created especially for the whole family. Both adults and children will have a great time!

‘Candide’ Operetta in Madrid

If you like the genre of operetta theater you´re in luck, because the Canal Theaters in Madrid offer you the opportunity to attend one of the most popular and expected performances of the season “Candide.” If you do not know about this fun musical genre know that the operetta is the little sister of the opera. An operation in which raw musical humor, satire and frames full of errors, absurdities and chaos take place. It was the people´s opera, a show which the humblest citizens could attend for an afternoon of laughter, humor and fun. Over time, the genre has evolved without losing its popular essence . “Candide” was composed by the brilliant American pianist, composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein. Which was based on the original story written by the eighteenth-century artist Voltaire. It tells the story of Candide, a disciple of Doctor Pangloss. The mentor instructs the apprentice and makes her understand and see the goodness and good faith in everything around her. Everything is viewed with optimism under the gaze of Candide, who along with her girlfriend Cunegonde and Dr. Pangloss begins a wild journey traveling around the world. During this journey the protagonist encounters situations that test her understanding of life, malice, envy, selfishness and suffering that crosses her path at every turn. How does Candide react to these situations? Can she assume the reality of the situations that happen to her? The play is full of double meanings and irony, satire and exceptional music that is a delight duringthe entire performance. Responsible for directing “Candide” in this new adaptation in Spain is the consecrated actor,...

19 Sushi Bar

19 Sushi Bar is one of the best Japanese food restaurants where, also, you can order takeaway food at an affordable price.

Jedi Mind Tricks in Madrid

When George Lucas invented the concept of Star Wars and all the ideology or philosophy around the Jedi world, perhaps didn’t imagine that his greatest creation; from a fusion of Buddhism, martial arts and Christian mercy, would become the emblematic name of one of the most suggesting bands, the international Hip Hop scene. The question is, how much did Jedi Mind Tricks pay to use the name? Undoubtedly, the Star Wars business continues to grow and has no borders. Its products reach all parts of the world in different languages; the toys are still sold in sets that are renewed almost every year, giving collectors something to spend almost every month. But what exactly is a “Jedi Mind Trick”? Let us define this before you talk about the band. A “Jedi Mind Trick” is the power that Jedi have to persuade others, particularly those with “not so privileged,” or “less developed” minds, to do what the Jedi order. With the simple pass of a hand against the face of the others, a Jedi can convince a person to forget his documents, stop drugs, change your life and thousand doors are opened. Of course, these tricks don’t work with those who have “privileged minds” or are from some other space race, other than human. It seems that the Jedi could be politicians being paid by the hardest right, and convince with their powers of “positive” changes that the world could lead to trying, but of course a conviction through forced hypnosis and conditioning. Would there be a political Jedi? Could it be the strength of the center of Neoliberalism? Those...

Marc Chagall in Madrid

Approaching a painting today, in the 21st century, is undoubtedly a unique experience, knowing that we live in a time where digital image has surpassed the frontiers of utility and, without warning us, has become a way to measure the visual interaction that we have with the real and virtual world. From the surface of the image, we understand ideas, contexts, discourses, feelings that, with the growing speed of information, seem to become more and more blurred all the time. But the truth is that the images aren´t blurred or get erased, instead we´re facing a time in which each thought, idea, information and expression codes are going at a faster speed that, at times, surpasses us.   Here´s an exercise to understand this problem: stop and write after long hours in front a a computer but with a pencil or a pen. Try to be as sensitive to the movement of your hand as possible, and don´t think much when writing the letters, do it quickly. You´ll see how the quickness of your hands isn´t as fast as your thinking and, consequently, many letters are missing from the writing. It´s not lack of attention, it´s simply that in digital reality, the transmission processes are faster, and will carry on being faster until they remove writing, drawing, painting. And so, approaching a painting by Chagali, for example, in this time of vertiginous computer technology, is still a luxury and an experience of a fictitious past that perhaps never happened, from which we don´t have any links or relations. From the neoliberal machinery in which global conduct resides and twists, from which...

Spanish cuisine

Spain is one of the best countries for good food around the world. Its strong and concentrated flavours give life to regional delights and make of them a wonderful polychromy of aromas that reflect its history and the addition of cultures in its different colonization processes. Its Mediterranean cuisine integrates the exotic flavours from northern Africa and many others from America, that are mixed majestically, giving it that unique taste of Spanish cuisine.   In order for you to enjoy your stay in Madrid, we´ll give you five pieces of advice on the best dishes that you must try. If you want to try a wonderful mix that gathers Mediterranean flavours and those of other regions of Spain, you should try the famous paella, a dish that comes from Valencia but that has transformed into one of the stalwarts of good Spanish cuisine. It´s prepared in a pan suitable so that the rice, its basic ingredient, is cooked without burning. It also has pork, seafood, vegetables and spices, to which olive oil is added, something that´s essential in any Spanish cooking preparation. ´Cocido Madrileño´ (Madrid stew) is a dish that you have to try. It´s a stew made with different vegetables, chick peas, meats, chicken and beef. The preparation isn´t difficult but it takes time. You cook the meat, then you add the chicken and the chick peas and finally the meats and the vegetables. When everything is cooking, you prepare the ´pelota´, a ball of moist bread, garlic and parsley that´s coated in flour and then deep fried. Then the small ´pelotas´ are added to the stew. ´Tapas´...

Theatre, Luces de Bohemia in Madrid

The National Drama Centre presents at the Maria Guerrero Theatre in Madrid one of its most ambitious and elaborate productions, “Luces de Bohemia” by Valle-Inclan. Lluís Homar, actor and director, who throughout his career has participated in major works like “Hamlet,” “The Three Sisters” and “The Misanthrope by Molière is Responsible for the direction. For one who are not familiar with “Luces de Bohemia” it is the title of one of the most important Spanish plays of the twentieth century, and which led to the creation of an entirely new theatrical genre, the grotesque. Valle created with the grotesque characters a degraded gameplay of a warped outlook on life who are presented as deformed figures. Bars, taverns, brothels, squalid houses or unsafe streets are some of the typical scenarios where grotesque characters tend to hang out usually being drunks, beggars or failed artists.  “Luces de Bohemia” is believed to reflect the life of Alejandro Sawa. Sawa left an unpublished book of poems after his death, and the story of that tragic life is the one Valle used to bring to life the story of Max Estrella. Only through cruelty and the bitterness of absurdity we can get a glimpse of the wonderful points of tenderness and the nudity of characters who abandon all hope and therefore show their inside innocence . In “Lights of Bohemia” we discover how Max Star shows us, in his idleness, how unjust and oppressive a country be with some of its  people, shaping the atmosphere of true responsibility and creating human scarecrows . In the XII scene we find some key phrases in the...

Carmen Merchán in Madrid: Mandalas

The psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung defined the Mandalas as a code of communication with the archetypes of collective unconscious. In Sanskrit, they mean ´center´ and ´totality´. Carmen Merchán, author of the book ´Mandalas of light´, will talk about this in Madrid on the 17th of February in her conference ´The healing symbolism of the Mandalas´. Carmen is a shamaness who studied this with masters in India and Egypt and from villages from the ancient and wrongly-called ´New World´: Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru, soaking in knowledge that has been transmitted for thousands of years by word of mouth and the engravings on rocks, textiles and ceramics. Today she is one of the professionals who works for the Institute of Integral Therapies and Energetic Learning (ITIEE). Holy healing, astrology and tarot are among her skills. In the work ´Psychology and Alchemy´ by Jung, published in 1943, you can find a chapter called ´Symbolism of the Mandala´. Jung worked on a selection of 400 dreams ´of mandala´, word that designates “the ritual or magical circle that, especially in Lamaism and also in tantric yoga, is used as Yantra as an instrument of contemplation”. It says that in 1938, in a monastery, a lama told him that mandala is a “mental image (…) that can only be constructed by the imagination of an enlightened lama”. He was also told that the true mandala is that who constructs himself internally with imagination. It would be long to insist to directly show how Jung used mandala with therapeutic aims, but this Friday 17th of February in Madrid, at 6.30pm, there´ll be a free conference...

ARCO Madrid

ARCO Madrid is one of the most important events related to contemporary art. It takes place in February in the Spanish capital.

Teatralia Madrid

Teatralia is one of the events related to arts for children and teenagers that takes place in Spain.