On Road Rome
On Road is a motorbike rental company in Rome that incorporates a GPS or navigator to all of its vehicles.
Barcelona Card
With Barcelona Card, get in for free and get incredible discounts in museums, restaurants and activities in the city.
Florence and the Machine in Amsterdam
Florence and the Machine will be performing in concert at Paradiso in Amsterdam on April 1. Their tour this year will visit only a few countries in Europe since an important part of their work in 2012 was concentrated in the United States. For this reason, many of their devoted fans are preparing to travel to the capital of the Netherlands. Florence Welch first arrived on the music scene with her band Florence and the Machine in 2009 and has had continued success thanks to both her hard work and musical abilities. Her music is an enchanting mix of soul, rock and other genres with a unique twist. Before her commercial success, the band received recognition from journalistic music reviewers, which is an important step for young bands, for the band’s artistic quality as well as their potential to appeal to worldwide audiences. During this time, the band received an invitation to the program BBC Introducing, for which they received good critiques and became even better known, amplifying their popularity. Their first album was a great success. “Lungs” appeared in 2009 and was number two on the UK Album Charts for five consecutive weeks. In the January of the following year they secured the top spot among the British, whose discerning market is known to be a driving force for discovering great talent. In addition, the group’s album was among the top 40 sold in England for some 65 weeks, making the group a hit in both 2009 and 2010. Their meteoric rise to fame was crowned when “Lungs” was awarded the prize for best British album at the...Freud and psychoanalysis in Vienna
Psychoanalysis is an analytic practice therapy. Etymologically derived from the Greek language: psyche, soul or mind and Analysis. Freud is known as the father and founder of psychoanalysis. This neurologist who conducted most of his work in Vienna, generated an incredible revolution in the context of psychiatric theories of the nineteenth century. He began his research with the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot in the field of applications of hypnosis as a treatment for hysteria, using it could both induce or inhibit all the symptoms present in the symptoms of the hysterical type, suggesting that the etiology provenance was not only organic but also psychological or mental. He abandoned hypnotic suggestion when he encountered resistance problems and the recurrence of symptoms that he sought to cure. Along with Joseph Brear he developed in Austria the cathartic method leading to psychoanalytic theory according to which hysterical neurotic symptoms stem from repressed traumatic memories in the unconscious because the ego of the subject is considered morally unacceptable, and therefore does not face them consciously, suggesting that these pathological traumas are residing in sexual events that allegedly occurred in the early developmental periods. When Freud´s father died, he applied his theories to himself along with all the experience he had gained with clinical experimentation on patients, scrutinizing chronologically their emotions, memories and desires, then scrutinizing his psyche, and thus performing what is known in psychoanalysis as a self-analysis Psychoanalysis was always evolving based on research data that was contributing. They created different currents and intervention schools. Among the collaborators and successors of Freud we can highlight names such as Otto Rank, Hanns Sachs, Marie...Costume rental Venice
At Marega you can find carnival costumes for men and women with all the accessories you can imagine. Costumes for sale and rental.
Atracciones Madrid
Parque de Atracciones is ideal to go with your family and enjoy all the games and shows that take place there. A must visit.
Articket Barcelona
With Barcelona Articket not only you can go into the best museums at reduced prices but you´ll also jump all the queues!
Taxi in Vienna
This is the Vienna taxi service, centralized in one phone number and email. Prices rated.
Apotheke is a pharmacy that has various stores in the centre of Berlin that are open 24h a day so that their clients don´t have to worry about the time.