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Ponte Vecchio

The Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge) is the most famous bridge in Europe for being the oldest in the region, for having shops on top of it and for being the only one that the Germans didn´t demolish during the World Wars.


And Florence is renown for, amongst other things, possessing this beautiful bridge among its famous buildings.


But what captivates the tourists the most is its charm and special magic. Walking on it generates never ending sensations that will be remembered for the rest of their lives for walking on world history.


Built entirely out of stone in the 14h century, today it´s the most expensive bridge in the world because above it are the most famous and exclusive jewelers in the world, and have been since the gold labourers occupied the place at the end of the 16th century.


The medieval bridge connects the Palazzo Vecchio (in Florence) with the Palazzo Pitti (old royal residence) and it sits on top the waters of the river Arno where in summer, thousands of tourists and locals do water activities like kayaking and rowing.


Visiting the city and walking around the Ponte Vecchio is a unique experience that all tourist should enjoy when they rent apartments in Florence and they stay for a few days on the shores of the river.