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Soledad Lorenzo Madrid

Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Miquel Barceló, Broto, Tàpies, Louise Bourgeois (the creator of the giant spider at the doors of the Guggenheim in Bilbao), Paul McCarthy or Perejaume are some of the permanent artists in Soledad Lorenzo´s gallery.


In its installations next to Plaza de Colón in Madrid we can see these creators alternated with emerging artists from around the world. If the traveller, in his visit to the Spanish capital, has the luck to come across an exhibition dedicated to one of the aforementioned names, a visit to Soledad Lorenzo´s gallery is a must. The experience will be like spending a few hours in the best museums of the city.


Whether you can take one of the works back to your apartments in Madrid or hire a home delivery service or if you can´t afford such an expense, a route through the art galleries in the Spanish capital (in this guide we´ve pointed out the most important and famous ones) will quench the most demanding traveller´s thirst for beauty.


Remember to visit the different website because they usually close, randomly, during part of the week and they also give good account of activities related with international events or meetings in this field.