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Taxi in Venezia: Consorcio Motoscafi

If there´s something which remains in the traveller´s eyesight, when he arrives in Venice, is undoubtedly the singular location with its innumerable canals. The city can practically be seen by foot, crossing the rivers, lakes, lagoons and streams on the many bridges built for such effect. But we can´t miss out on a trip on a gondola or even on a trip on the many taxi-vaporettos. There are for all tastes and pockets, with the singularity that with this transport you can go further. You can go, for example, to Lido or Murano to buy its beautiful glass.


And so, travellers, at the same time that you book one of the excellent apartments in Venice you can also agree your route or routes, because it depends on your taste, around this amazing and unique city. At the Consortium, also, they have arrivals or departures from airports, train stations, etc. already scheduled. Also, they have various tours that you can hire: the islands of the lagoon, the Grand Canal, the small canals… You just have to state the destination and the arrival point, the days, the time, and pay, of course, duly and comfortably with PayPal.