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Torres de Quart

The Torres de Quart, like many other towers in Valencia, were part of the wall that protected the city in medieval times. Today they´re part of the city´s monuments and they add to the beautiful and ancient landscape that you can still see in Spain.


They were built in the 15th century and were standing until the War of Independence. Today you can still see in its walls the scars of the bombs, that show that they were a resistant and powerful building of late-Gothic style.


They are National Monuments and National Historical Sites and, every day, thousands of people visit them and take a photo with them. Their name comes from the people who walked past them who were from Castille and who were going to the town of Cuart de Poblet, simple as that. It was also called Puerta de Cal because of the material that the big towers were made of (lime), but this term isn´t used anymore.


If you too want to get to know these beautiful ancient towers that have history remains on their walls, rent apartments in Valencia and with a map of the city at hand, go and see its beautiful streets that are full of surprises.