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The 3 Trips You Must Take

3-trips-you-must-takeMost mortals have a limited number of places they get to visit and are not able to see all the wonderful places on our beautiful planet. So, we have to prioritize. In this post, we’ll discuss the three urban destinations you should not miss. One is in Asia, one is in North America and one is in Europe. There are many more (urban and not urban, of course) but you have to start somewhere…


The Japanese capital is without a doubt a very big city. In fact, more than 30 million people live in the metropolitan area. It’s best to take a few extra days of vacation here, since you’ll definitely need more than a weekend to see it all. Tokyo is the main financial center of Asia and the headquarters of many international companies, especially those in the electronics sector. Most of the population is Buddhist, so there numerous Buddhist temples in the capital and surrounding areas to visit. There are also a variety of museums and theaters offering something unique. And, of course, you cannot visit the Japanese capital without sampling some delicious dishes such as udon, tempura or sushi.

New York

It’s called the capital of the world or the city that never sleeps. Whatever the case, New York doesn’t need a lot of adjectives. It is the city par excellence. You absolutely must visit at some point in your life to walk the streets among the enormous skyscrapers, go to the top of the Empire State Building, visit the Statue of Liberty, and stroll through Central Park. Manhattan is so diverse it’s like you’re in multiple cities at once: Soho, Chinatown, Harlem, Little Italy … Its cultural offerings are as diverse as the city (we recommend you go see a musical on Broadway!). And don’t miss out on an American classic: eating a hot dog from one of the city’s many stands to stock up on energy for your sightseeing. You’ll need it, because this city will keep you on your feet.


When one thinks of European cities, the first one that comes to mind is not necessarily Stockholm. Usually one thinks of Paris, Rome, Barcelona and Berlin, among others. That is why we want to make a tiny tribute to the Swedish capital in this post, to what is likely an undiscovered gem for many of you. Go in winter (when temperatures are around 10° C and the city is a vision in white!) In summer, the city has an indisputable northern European charm. You’ll enjoy strolling down the medieval streets of the old town, Gamla Stan, and fall in love with this beautiful city.


Reserve an apartment in Tokyo and start enjoying vacations in your must-see places around the world.