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Aliana Gastronomical Bookshop Madrid

Food is one of life´s biggest pleasures and many people from around the world enjoy both eating and preparing dishes to delight friends, partners or family. Some study courses and, others, teach themselves by watching TV or through books.


If you´re in Madrid and you want to buy those kinds of books, Librería Gastronómica Aliana is a specialized place in cuisine and gastronomy that opened its doors over 20 years ago and which is frequented by people who love cooking.


The place has over three thousands books and, at the bookshop, you can find not only books through which you can learn how to cook exquisite dishes from different cultures, but also other subjects that relate to cuisine as protocolary processes.


If you want to learn about wines, Aliana is also a spectacular place for doing so because there are hundreds of books related to the sampling, the history and all types of subjects related to the most popular drink to accompany meals.


If you want to get to know Aliana and enjoy thousands of books on cuisine, all you have to do is rent apartments in Madrid