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Ca´ Rezzonico Venice

Ca´ Rezzonico is one of the most beautiful palaces in Venice, but as well as being a building which is worth seeing in itself, inside it holds one of the most visited museums in the city, which is dedicated to art from the 18th century.


Ca´ Rezzonico is located in the centre of the city, facing the Grand Canal, which is the most important canal in Venice. The palace was occupied by families many years ago and, in 1649, the patriarch of the family, Filippo Bon, decided to build the palace that´s there now, employing Baldassarre Longhena to do the work. The result was a really impressive Baroque building.


From 1935, after many negotiations, the place was acquired by the city´s consulate to present a great collection of 18th century Venetian art, which is the one that can be enjoyed today, although they also added a few important artists like Tiepolo. Also, the museum holds paintings by other famous artists like Pietro Longhi, Francesco Guardi and Murano.


Ca´ Rezzonico is one of the most beautiful places in the city and you can rent apartments in Venice to see its galleries and enjoy its Baroque building.