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Etruscan National Museum

The Etruscan National Museum was created with the intention of presenting the spectators with all that they need to know about the Etruscan civilization and it´s situated in the Villa of Pope Julius III or, as it´s known more commonly, Villa Giulia.
The museum houses a large quantity of works of art and artifacts from the mysterious civilization that preceded the Romans. The Etruscans are known for their sophisticated and its beautiful designs who left left and important legacy of sarcophagus, bronzes, sculptures, vessels and jewels among many other objects.
One of the most striking and most visited sections by the spectators are the objects that belonged in their moment to the Etruscan cemetery where you can find urns or even reconstructed tombs.
There are two big and acclaimed statues. One of a goddess with a baby and one of Hercules with lions who are, undoubtedly, the ones that attract all the looks.


This museum is the most interesting in the world in which you´ll not only be able to get to know the Etruscan history but also observe and enjoy the works of art of this civilization through its existence. You can rent apartments in Rome and walk through its galleries.