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Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani is 72 years old today and he´s still a world fashion icon. He created his emporium when he was young and took his brand to the biggest countries in the world, promoting it with film, theatre and television stars.


Italian by nationality, Giorgio Armani is a brand and not just a name today. THe company expanded and he also created perfumes and other accessories for both men and women.


His biggest success was with men´s clothes but, today, there isn´t a woman who wouldn´t want to wear his elegant afternoon or evening dresses.


Always outlining the figure, the brand creates in relation to what the client wants. The hats, vests, accessories, gloves and shoes are all thought for creating an aesthetic line in each person and to outline his best attributes.


It´s in Milan where he established himself and where he currently lives. He never stopped designing and although he doesn´t need to work (he has various million euros in his account), he still opens shops around the world.


If you also want to put on an Armani piece of clothing, rent apartments in Milan and go shopping.