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Isabel Ignacio art gallery Seville

Seville is a beautiful city in Andalucia, in the south of Spain. There, we can enjoy the best of this southern European country´s culture, with its excellent (words don´t do it justice) gastronomy, its beautiful architecture, which ranges from Arabic culture to today, folklore and all of this accompanied by beautiful weather that will make our visit to the city complete.

Even so, not everything in Seville is tradition and typical folklore. Contemporary art has arrived strongly in the city and we can enjoy various art galleries that exhibit it. One of the most famous ones is the Isabel Ignacio art gallery, where we can enjoy the newest contemporary art in the city and in the whole of Spain.

In the words of the director of the gallery, Isabel Ignacio herself, the gallery tries to show the most groundbreaking and innovative contemporary art, looking for the youngest creators to give them that boost towards the art scene, of course, without leaving aside the consecrated artists, completing a perfect mix in the gallery. It has also participated in big art fairs outside Spain, in Chicago, Miami, New York and Santa Fe to give a few examples, so the gallery´s projection is an international one.

If you want to enjoy the best contemporary art as well as one of Europe´s most beautiful cities, rent apartments in Seville and you´ll see that this city is something special.