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Kantjil & Tijger Amsterdam

The Kantjil & Tijger restaurant is a small corner of Indonesian cuisine located on Spulstraat 291-293, in the heart of Amsterdam. With a modern design in its interior, it was inaugurated in 1989 looking to please the most refined palates with a menu with classic dishes from that part of the world.

Considering that rice is the most important element in Indonesian food, all the preparations have it included in them. One of its exquisite preparations is the Nasi Rames, a traditional dish that has rice in the centre and various meat, vegetables, mani and egg preparations around it.

The Rijstaffels are a mixture of many dishes that are served in big cups and have rice in the middle. This is a preparation that the restaurant has developed for groups of 10 people, where they include 22 dishes.

For lunches, between 12pm and 4.30pm, they prepare fast food and sandwiches in pitta bread with roast chicken marinaded in Balinese sauce, although there are also dishes ´a la carte´.

As always, there are people who want to surprise their friends and Kantjil & Tijger have a catering service with an Indonesian buffet menu for 10 people or more.

There´s nothing more suggestive than Indonesian cuisine so, if you´re thinking of renting apartments in Amsterdam go to Kantjil & Tijger and enjoy its delicious preparations.