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Roberto Matta at IVAM in Valencia: The mirror of memory

The Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, better known as IVAM for its initials, now has an even more important collection thanks to the donation of the painting called “Espejo de la memoria” (Mirror of Memory) by Robert Matta, who was born in Chile in 1911 and died in Italy in 2002. The person responsible for this donation is Germana Matta, the widow of the artist, who hasn´t ruled out carrying on donating important works of the famous painter.

roberto <b>matta</b> ivam

“Mirror of Memory” is an oil painting that was created in 1996 and that, previously, belonged to the Matta family private collection.

Roberto Matta is one of the most important artists who lived in the 20th century and who belonged to the most important group of surrealists, visionary and avant-gardist, who included in his art-related work, subjects relating to science, nature and much more.

IVAM is one of the most important museums in Valencia and inside you can enjoy a permanent exhibition of over 10,500 works that exhibit, above all, the most important artists of the 20th century.

Among some of the most famous and outstanding artists that you can enjoy in its galleries there is Jean Arp, Alexander Calder, Paul Klee, Francis Picabia, Frantisek Kupka, Robert Delaunay, Lucio Fontana and many others.

One of the most important collcetions that the museum possesses is that of Miquel Navarro, who is a sculptor from Valencia who is known around the world. Also the one of Ignacio Pizano, which is made up of over 100 paintings and 600 drawings. Also, the one of Julio González which has 400 works that range from paintings to silversmithin

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If you want to enjoy not only “Espejo de la memoria” by Robert Matta but also hundreds of other important works, you can rent apartments in Valencia and enjoy the IVAM

aleixgwilliam Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: aleixgwilliam