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Sexy-Mamá Berlin

When Berlin-born Anne Petzold got pregnant with her first baby, she found, just like the grand majority of mothers, that she couldn´t find clothes which suited her new status: or they were too big or too tight, or too out of fashion. The designers haven´t given this crucial moment in a woman´s life much though and, more or less like Anne, nearly all pregnant women find themselves in the same state.

But Anne didn´t get disheartened and, from a problem, the extracted a new way of communicating herself and earning a living by setting up Sexy-Mama, a place in the centre of Berlin which offers its own designs for those waiting months. According to her constant body change, she adapted the clothes that she had in her wardrobe. As a result of all of this, it´s a line which has become copied: classic cotton fabrics with adjusted and comfortable cuts.

So now you know, Berlin is also a good destination to fill up your wardrobe if you´re pregnant. The most recommendable thing to do is that, in advance, you book some of the excellent apartments in Berlin where you can relax, regain strength and even make your everyday exercises. With the time that holidays bring, seeing this beautiful city and dropping by Sexy-Mama, where you´ll find everything that you need without feeling like you´re in fancy dress, is a must.