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Sainsbury´s London

Travelling is one of life´s biggest pleasures. Arriving to a new city and getting to know its people, listening to the language and visiting the most important places is very beautiful. But one of the worst things is, many times, by not having been there before, we don´t have information on where to go to buy things during 24 hours.


In London, a supermarket which is open 24 hours is Sainsbury´s. This store is very important and has everything necessary to be able to go at any time and solve your problem. From food to games as well as clothes and technology. If our camera´s batteries have run out, Sainsbury´s will sort us out and, if you´re hungry when everything else is closed, this is definitely the place to go.


Sainsbury´s is one of the oldest shops with the most history in the city of London. It opened its first store in 1869 and, slowly, became one of the city´s most important stores.


For this reason, if you´re in apartments in London and you need a place to go shopping and you don´t know where, Sainsbury´s is one of the places which will save you.