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Barcelona Marathon

Even though marathons that take place today don´t announce, like the Greek man Pheidippides did, a victory over an army, this resistance event is now a favourite among athletes and fans of urban sport.


Of course, to run its over 25 miles you have to be very fit and with a lot of training behind you (plenty of it). Anyhow, the Barcelona marathon, with its over three decades experience, is one of the most veterans in Spain and one of the most popular ones due to the amount of people that it gathers and the quality of the sportsmen who participate. Here is the website where they give good account of the route on the streets of the Catalan capital, the starting time (arriving a bit later will be a blow to your changes of a prize), the requisits to participate and the register form.


Remember that the Barcelona Marathon takes place on the last Sunday in March, in case you feel fit enough to participate, but if you want to prepare yourself for the next one, don´t forget to fly there before, book one of the excellent apartments in Barcelona that are rented out for short stays, and train in the same place where the race will take place for at least a couple of days. May the best man and woman win!