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Guided Florence, guided tours Florence

There are many types of travellers. There are those who get lost in a strange city, those who like to discover each destination ´on their own´ and those who don´t like to miss anything or who want to see every single corner of the city they´re in. To the latter, while visiting Tuscany or the beautiful Florence, we have to recommend to book at least one guided tour. At Guided Florence -here are all the details on the right hand column- two professional and native guides of the City of the Arno, have designed itineraries for all tases around all the corners of the city. Not only can they allow the visitor to delve into the secrets of the Boboli Gardens, the Uffizi Gallery or the Palazzo Pitti, but they also introduce the traveller to the delights of the local cuisine, the techniques of the active craftsmen or into the rooms of the inhabited palaces which are unknown to the majority of the public.


The advice is simple: with the flight tickets, the apartments in Florence and the museum tickets, you have to also book one of these guided tours. We´ll be behind the screen and we wish to get to know the thoughts of the travellers. For that, we´ve provided a comments box.