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Grill Royal

Grill Royal is located in the famous district of Mitte in Berlin, and it´s one of the most famous restaurants in the area. But it´s fame is due to the good reputation that it has for making really tasty, original and typical food.


The lounge on Friedrichstraße is comfortable and the decoration of the restaurant is extremely luxurious and neat, although atypical because you´ll find ships and other artifacts distributed along the tables. This gives it a unique touch that the tourist will like and makes him feel unique.


The menus of Grill Royal are simple and practical. All the facilities of the place offer luxury and simplicity at the same time. The bathrooms are very modern and the terrace is in the open air and allows the clients to appreciate the city while they sample some of Berlin´s most delicious dishes.


One can choose dishes with Argentinian, Austrian or German meat, between beef, pork or lamb.


Like in every good restaurant, the wine list accompanies to perfection the exclusive dishes that the chef prepares.


To go and eat there, rent apartments in Berlin and make your reservation with anticipation because it´s a requirement of the place.