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Restaurant Kiskakukk Budapest

Kiskakukk is a restaurant in Budapest which has everything on a human scale to give warmth and personalized service, just like the old restaurants in the city used to do. Its cuisine is based on the traditional Hungarian recipes and on giving the old flavours by looking for the best natural products, like grandmothers usually do.

But because its concept is to preserve the best from that time and incorporate new concepts which give account of the changes that all societies have experimented with globalization, it´s also developed an exquisite menu of international cuisine.

Conceived as a restaurant for the whole family or an intimate dinner, Kiskakukk has been catching the eye of the citizens of Budapest since 1913. It´s survived wars and big political transformations with just one aim, to give good service and to make of food a place to meet.

In its menu there´s the traditional gulash, made with the best meat, onion, potatoes and selected vegetables, which have transformed it into the best-known Hungarian dish on an international level, partly transforming it into modern gourmet cuisine.

A great idea is to spend a few dreamy days in apartments in Budapest so if you want to visit this place, don´t miss out on enjoying the old Hungarian stews at Kiskakukk.