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Barcelona Degusta 2015

A Catalan and international culinary festival awaits you at Barcelona’s Fira de Montjuïc, from Thursday September 24th, until Sunday September 27th: namely the 5th edition of Barcelona Degusta. Visit this fall’s most anticipated culinary festival in Barcelona and taste everything from fast food to delicious desserts.

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5 Travel Apps that Will Make Your Stay Easier

These days, we are used to getting a number of travel apps on our Smartphones before traveling, for access to firsthand information about the city we are going to. It’s an easy way to travel; we feel more confident to move around, we know where to go, what sites to visit and where to eat when we find ourselves in a new place.

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Do you want to know the best cities to escape for gastronomy? We will tell you!



Showdown: pure and simple. Comparison is the best way to make a decision.



Travelling means many things. We will provide you with all you need. Don’t miss anything.



Technology and literature, the necessities of a good traveler.



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